Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion

There are many reviews available online for Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion through various web sites. 

Neutrogena sunless tanning lotionNeutrogena sunless tanning lotion

This information certainly makes it a lot easier to make a decision about whether or not to buy this product. 

Neutrogena have quite an impressive range of sunless tanning lotions that include lotions and sprays, as well as a specific one for the face.

However, there is both positive and negative feedback to consider, plus many recommendations about how to go about using a sunless product, especially if a first time user.

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Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion for pale skins

Self tanning resultsSelf tanning results in comparison

When stuck with a pasty white skin color and desiring one that looks like you've been to the Mediterranean or the Caribbean on holiday and have acquired this amazing tan, the motivation to go for a sunless tanning option builds.

Many people in this situation may not have had a decent tan for years, so it's quite a daunting thing to stand before the mirror and apply the lotion or spray and then wait to see the results.

This can be hugely risky too if you have a real or urgent purpose like needing a special tanned effect for a wedding, or some other important event requiring that plunge neck line to be tanned and not show the bikini lines in between.

Daunting or even risky, because unless you've tried a sunless tanning lotion, never mind a specific brand like Neutrogena, you just don't know what the outcome may be!

Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion - a tan in 24 hours?

Tanning for all skin typesA Tan for all skin types

Let's face it, it's not very easy to get that all round even tan in just 24 hours through traditional tanning methods lying outdoors in the sunshine.

Too much too quickly is never a good idea with the sun's UV rays as the risk of sun burn is high. Never mind the associated high risk of skin cancer.

It's also not a good idea with a tanning booth either as they operate with UV rays too and the risk of getting skin cancer by over doing it is actually greater than tanning naturally outdoors.

So the best plan of action is to test the product first.

Unless you're prepared to just give it a go and not worry about whether or not you end up with orange streaks all over.

Make sure to spray or spread the lotion out as evenly as possible, in sweeping strokes rather than small rubbing strokes. Don't forget some areas like the back of your neck, the tops of your feet, your ears, under your arms, and the back of your knee. Make sure to wash your hands afterwards so you can prevent orange palms. The hard skin of your palms or the bottom of your feet will tan more than elsewhere on your body where the skin is not so tough. Rather leave them out, as they tend not to tan that much when tanning naturally in the open sunshine anyway.

It may be that you need to reapply more than once.

It seems the best results seem to come when you reapply every 2 hours for 3 to 4 times, depending on your time constraints. It's great to do this and then go off to bed and wake up in the morning to see the result. Waiting all day long can be especially nerve-racking!

Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion positive reports

There are many reports to be read about the orange or streaky effect of Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion but there are also equally as many reporting how wonderful the results are. 

One report said that "the color looked natural and was even, with no streaks or orange tones - just a nice golden, natural looking tan. And, in less than 24 hours!" However the same report spoke of orange colored skin and streaking after a few days without reapplying.

The following are positive comments:

  • Scent 
    Mostly the reports about the scent are positive as they seem to have acquired a light scent - either floral or citrus - and this means it fades quite quickly and doesn't linger, or interfere with your perfume.
  • Easy application
    There may be a preference to the spray over the lotion/cream for those who have good experience with sunless tanners, but in both cases it coats the skin evenly and is easy to control.

  • Quick drying 
    Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion has been reported by most to be very quickly drying. Taking only 5 minutes to dry or less, this makes it easy not to allow your skin to come into contact with any of your clothing after applying the sunless tanner. No need to wait around for 20 minutes. In 5 minutes or less you're good to go!

  • Natural 
    Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion tends to look more natural than most when you get it right. This is especially so when you take time to apply and re-apply rather than do it the fastest way possible or with tanning booth.

Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion negative reports

Unfortunately there are always negatives to the story as all people are not equal and it's hard to please everyone all the time.
However, I have not come across any reports of damage to the skin, which is a great bonus! The following areas are the most common complaints though:

  • Streaks
    After acquiring a great tan from 3 applications and then leaving overnight one person reported streaks in their tan after a couple of days. Without reapplying after a few days, this appears to be a common problem.
  • Orange skin
    Initially no orange color is detected but after the tan grows a little "old" - about 4 or 5 days old - many people start to see an orange hue develop. Some even report having orange spots, which to me implies an uneven application. However, it's not considered really bad in terms of the whole sunless tanning lotion market where there are some really terrible lotions that turn you orange big time.
  • Scent
    Some have reported that the smell worsens after the lotion dries. Some find the smell too strong. Others love the smell though.
  • Time consuming
    Many would prefer that the color didn't take so long to develop. The process can be speeded up by going to a tanning booth but that presents a whole other set of issues.
  • Frequent application
    Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion needs to be re-applied after 2 days otherwise it fades too quickly
  • Buildup
    Watch out for any build up around knees, elbows and ankles. Just like all self-tanners
  • Clothing staining
    Can come off on your clothing, so apply carefully and wait for it to dry
  • No sunscreen in the formula
    This is a big note for me - it means you have to watch out when outdoors or apply a sunscreen on top of it. It does not make you immune to the potential harm of the sun's rays
  • Sticky
    Sometimes leaves the skin feeling sticky

As with all sunless tanning products, becoming familiar with the product enables you to manage it more effectively for your own skin and personal circumstances. eg. one comment "Even with the few things I didn't like about the product I will continue to use it. In the future I will spray a little more than I did the first time and will re apply every few days to keep my nice golden color."

Neutrogena sunless tanning lotion
Added advice for new users

For those of you that are new to sunless tanners, there is a lot of information online on how to apply, tips for application, etc. as well as professional and lay person reviews. The following tips are fairly common though:

  1. Exfoliation
    Make sure your skin has been fully exfoliated before application to create a good foundation for the lotion.
    If you miss out this first step it may lead to streaking or a flaky tan.

  2. Lotions are best for new users
    Stay away from sprays until you are more advanced in your use as well as foams, as they tend to dry too fast.
    You need to be well experienced in application so as to avoid the streaky effect.

  3. Experiment with small amounts first
    Until you're used to how the product works with your skin, it pays to experiment a bit.
    Don't go for the deep or dark formulas if you have fair skin.
    If you have a darker skin tone or don't suffer from sunburn and can tan easily, you're safer to choose the medium/deep versions.
    If your skin turns orange you need to look at how much lotion you put on, or how often you re-apply or if it is just too dark a colour for your skin. 

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